Members may ask CC to send a message to NASIG-L for them. This usually occurs when they forward information to CC and ask that it be sent to all means of communication (Facebook, blog, Twitter, NASIG-L, etc.).
Through your own NASIG-L subscription.
Step #1: Create an email message to using your email program.
Step #2: Input an appropriate subject line and add the content, images and attachments.
Step #3: At the beginning of the message input wording such as “on the behalf of the CPC and President Jones” to indicate from whom the message is emanating. Send the message.
Step #4: You must be a member of the nasig-l list in order to send to the list.
Step #5: Be aware of your personal list admin setting for NASIG-L – it can be set to bypass list moderation (as some Board members and CC members are). If set to bypass list moderation the message will automatically be sent to NASIG-L members. If not, you will need to log into Simplelists and approve the message (or ask the CC).
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